
103 posts

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Collective Liberty provided intel on cultural & tactical considerations for refugee support in Ukraine to ensure volunteer and staff safety, cultural humility, and preparedeness for meeting needs expressed by refugees and preventing trafficking.

3. 2. 1. GO! Since one of our founding board members, and now Strategy and Business Operations Manager, is an active Crossfit athlete and coach,

Currently hundreds of thousands of people are trapped in labor trafficking situations with numbers escalating over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Traffickers rely on

While it is true that anyone can be trafficked, we have to face the reality that certain groups are disproportionately represented and victimized. Photo by Los Muertos Crew from Pexels

Help us continue to make an impact in saving lives and ending human trafficking. Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

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This belief in the power of teams and collective action is one of the reasons we launched the Collective Run for Collective Freedom 5K.

We are kicking off our inaugural Collective Run for Collective Freedom 5K. Together we can run (or walk, hike, bike, or even swim) towards a better future.