URGENT ACTION: Join Collective Liberty and NCOSE in Opposing the ALI MPC Amendments Up for Vote Tues May 17, 2022.

The American Law Institute (ALI)* (see below) is in Washington DC this Mon-Wed May 16-18, 2022 for their annual meeting  and members will vote on changes to the Model Penal Code (MPC),** (see below) which are egregious. A motion will be offered on Tuesday 5/17 to OPPOSE the draft revisions, which narrow and weaken sexual assault law including sex…

Collective Liberty Annual Impact Report: 2020

Despite a year filled with uncertainty and turbulence, we’ve remained laser-focused on our commitment to those who have become even more vulnerable during this pandemic year. From training anti-trafficking professionals, to changing systems with policymakers, to collaborating with service providers, to elevating survivors, and to supporting victims, we’ve continued to make an impact in a…