Over 50 Organizations and U.S. Government Oppose American Law Institute (ALI) Proposed Changes to the Model Penal Code

WASHINGTON: May 16, 2022 – A group of well-known anti-trafficking, survivor, women’s, and legal organizations are opposing proposed amendments to the Model Penal Code being voted on by the American Law Institute (ALI) on May 17, 2022. The proposed changes narrow and weaken sexual assault law including the sex trafficking statute. YWCA-USA; Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN); National…

Collective Liberty Annual Impact Report: 2020

Despite a year filled with uncertainty and turbulence, we’ve remained laser-focused on our commitment to those who have become even more vulnerable during this pandemic year. From training anti-trafficking professionals, to changing systems with policymakers, to collaborating with service providers, to elevating survivors, and to supporting victims, we’ve continued to make an impact in a…