Collective Liberty Supports Law Enforcement Operation Game STOP at the World Games 2022 – Human Trafficking Intel Support

The 2022 World Games in Birmingham, Alabama was the site of a major collaborative effort between NGOs and federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to combat human trafficking. Collective Liberty was grateful to provide support for this operation and to enable our valued partners to hold human traffickers accountable. Events can be attractive targets…

Over 50 Organizations and U.S. Government Oppose American Law Institute (ALI) Proposed Changes to the Model Penal Code

WASHINGTON: May 16, 2022 – A group of well-known anti-trafficking, survivor, women’s, and legal organizations are opposing proposed amendments to the Model Penal Code being voted on by the American Law Institute (ALI) on May 17, 2022. The proposed changes narrow and weaken sexual assault law including the sex trafficking statute. YWCA-USA; Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN); National…

1,000+ trafficking venues closed, 164 traffickers arrested, 350+ victims identified and supported

Collective Liberty is excited to release its 2021 Annual Impact Report. This year alone, our work directly supported the arrest and prosecution of 73 human traffickers and 359 commercial sex buyers, while identifying 162 victims and connecting them to support services. The report provides an overview of the organization’s key activities and accomplishments over the past…