
Edit: See the full letter with signatories, available here.

Survivors of sex trafficking wrote an open letter to the presidential candidates about their position on legalization of the sex trade, imploring the candidates to take their lived experiences and recommendations into account. It is open for signatory support from fellow survivors, and individual and organizational allies to their mission.

We have signed the letter, and encourage you to consider signing as well!

“We, the undersigned, are individuals and organizations who fully support the more than 250 sex trade survivors who have come together to urge US presidential candidates to stand for equality, denouncing the decriminalization of the sex trade in its entirety by signing this open letter. <…/survivors-say-no-full-decriminalizatio…>
While we wholeheartedly support decriminalizing people in prostitution, we understand that failing to criminalize those who exploit – the pimps, sex buyers and brothel owners – allows them to cause devastating harm to our most marginalized with complete impunity.

We know that human trafficking and sexual exploitation are human rights issues, fueled by gender, racial, and income inequalities. If we truly want equality, we must work toward a world where no one is bought, sold or exploited.

We urge candidates to #ListenToSurvivors and support true equality.

Collecting signatures through Sunday, June 30, 5 pm EDT.”

Rev. Dr. Marian Hatcher, Survivor Leader
SPACE International U.S.A. – Member
Ambassador-At-Large, United Nations

Rebecca Bender, MACT
CEO & Founder: RBI, Survivor Leader