
Our CEO was in Sweden this past week with the RENATE network of survivor support agencies. As a group, throughout the week, we discussed the ways human trafficking manifests in our various countries, the ways the laws are written and the strength with which they are enforced. We had guest lectures from global field experts, facilitated discussions, group work, and really powerful strategic collaboration sessions. We heard from ambassadors, government, and law enforcement officers from nordic model nations, as well as about Germany’s legalization model. There was unanimous agreement that none of these models have solved human trafficking, and that we all have so much work left to do.

Our CEO, Rochelle Keyhan, presented on the legal infrastructure of civil and criminal human trafficking laws at the Federal level in the United States, as well as across the various 50+ US States and Territories.

Of particular interest for the European attendees were the Affirmative Defense provisions in some laws where 31 States provide an Affirmative defense for Human Trafficking survivors; Criminal Protections and Financial Recovery for survivors; Immunity and Diversion programs for survivors; and the adapting & innovating of civil laws in order to have an impact on financial profits gained as a result of Trafficking.

We are so excited to continue this important, cross-national field building and collaborative work to end trafficking across borders! For some live updates and report backs, checkout Rochelle’s two Facebook Live videos:

May 6, 2019: Day 1 Reactions

May 7, 2019

Day two of the Renate conference in Sweden. We discussed collaboration across political and legislative differences – finding common ground in shared missions to support survivors and their best interests. Tomorrow is a bonding and processing day before a final day of rolling up our sleeves and coming away with a day full of action items and next steps!