
Amidst all the trainings and partner support work we did over the summer, our CEO was also part of the MassChallenge Texas (MCTX) accelerator process.

We were connected with passionate mentors who helped us refine our strategies and hone our messaging. We worked alongside hundreds of incredible innovators and entrepreneurs who were also part of the accelerator cohort. And we learned and grew immeasurably.

The morning of the award ceremony on October 17, 2019, our CEO was testifying at the DC City Council hearing on legalizing prostitution and sex buying. She rushed out to catch a flight to Austin for the final MCTX awards ceremony. And she arrived just in time to accept the $100,000 Diamond Award – honoring her leadership, Collective Liberty’s world-changing potential, and elevating our work to the next level as the only non-profit winning in for-profit spaces.

We are so grateful to our mentors, fellow startup founders, the MassChallenge team, and to all of you who support and share our work on a daily basis. Thank you for joining us as we work to build a better world!

Click here to read more about this year’s cohort, and to read more about the MassChallenge accelerator, visit

If you’re considering applying – feel free to reach out to us on Twitter (@CollectLib) or Facebook (@CollectiveLibertyNGO) for feedback/thoughts!