How we made a difference


At Collective Liberty, we focus on disrupting human trafficking markets across the 25+ types of human trafficking identified in the United States. Since traffickers are highly networked in their organized criminal operations, our disruption efforts must also be networked. We collaborate across the nation, identifying and elevating local heroes, bringing solutions to the national stage, and building bridges for us all to work together across the US.

Our staff has trained thousands of people across the country and provided our expertise for law enforcement, code enforcement, service providers, and financial institutions.

In 2020, a year when COVID-19 shifted priorities and the ability to conduct safe, in-person investigations, Collective Liberty was still able to offer best practices training and leverage data and intelligence to stop traffickers across the nation. Despite the barriers created by COVID-19, Collective Liberty and its partners tripled the number of victims connected to services and doubled the number of traffickers arrested and referred for prosecution.

In 2020, we trained nearly 1,000 professionals in the anti-human trafficking space. This year, our partners have nearly DOUBLED the number of traffickers arrested, with investigations that rely primarily on intelligence and data rather than the testimony of traumatized victims.

We are proud to support victims; this is the ultimate proof of the impact of our work. Far too often, victims reject support offered by law enforcement or service providers, fearing anyone besides the trafficker that controls their lives. The more that law enforcement and service providers are able to utilize culturally specific, trauma-informed practices when interacting with victims, the more victims will feel supported and safe enough to ask for help. The more we grow our service provider web across North America, the more we, and our partners, are able to refer victims to the right provider and resources, rather than simply the closest one geographically.

Check out the full Impact report here.

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