Collective Run for Collective Freedom

Collective Run for Collective Freedom

Every year at the start of September, the United States takes a moment to pause and recognize Labor Day – a celebration of the rights and dignity available to workers that thousands have fought so hard for. Despite the strides we have made, exploitation and trafficking are still all around us. We at Collective Liberty believe that in order to permanently end human trafficking, we must be able to collaborate and work together to ensure a free and dignified future for all. This is why we are kicking off our inaugural Collective Run for Collective Freedom 5K. Together we can run (or walk, hike, bike, or even swim) towards a better future.


Trafficking in the United States

Human trafficking is one of the worst forms of trauma and exploitation that can occur to a person. The sheer evil of manipulating and exploiting another human being for profit is unthinkable for most people. Yet there are over 25 million people who are trafficked globally and more than 400,000 in the US alone. Profits exceed $150 billion a year, and are easily “laundered” through the current financial system.

Traffickers benefit and profit significantly from lack of coordination and collaboration, utilizing our hyper-connected culture to mask their trail, moving freely within and across jurisdictions.

At Collective Liberty, we focus on disrupting human trafficking markets across the different types of human trafficking identified in the United States. Since traffickers are highly networked in their organized criminal operations, our disruption efforts must also be networked. We collaborate across the nation, identifying and elevating local heroes, bringing solutions to the national stage, and building bridges for us all to work together across the US.

Our support has resulted in the arrest of more than 1000 traffickers who were referred for prosecution, as well as the arrest of more than 1500  buyers, many of whom were attempting to purchase sexual access to a minor (with more kids spending so much more time online unattended due to COVID, they are often left highly exposed). With the tireless efforts of our team we have been able to train nearly 8,000 human trafficking professionals to be trauma-informed, victim-centered professionals committed to ending trafficking in their region.

The Race

A virtual race is a race that can be run (or walked) from any location you choose. You can run, jog, or walk on the road, on the trail, on the treadmill, at the gym or on the track (or even at another race). You get to run your own race, at your own pace, and at your own time.. Running and walking on your own, or with friends!

You can choose to run as:

  1. Individual
  2. Register for the Race – $10
  3. Register for the Race and Receive a Personalized Digital Race Bib – $20
  4. Register for the Race and Receive a Digital Race Bib and Collective Run for Collective Freedom 5K Race Medal – $40
  5. Group
  6. The group with the highest fundraising amount will receive the Collective Liberty Hero Banner – 2021
  7. The group with the highest number of participating members will receive a screening of their choice of one of three movies and a Q&A afterwards with Collective Liberty staff and training faculty

The first 50 registered participants will receive a Collective Liberty-Mazahua collaboration mask!

Prizes will be mailed 15-18 business days after the completion of the race period (September 26-October 2).
The winning largest group will be able to discuss when a screening will take place and key details for faculty/staff Q&A.

General Rules and FAQ

  • Do I have to complete the race all at once?
  • No! We all work towards Collective Freedom together. Complete the 5K all at once or over the course of several days. Make sure to complete by October 2, use the race filter for your profile picture, take pictures, tag us, and most of all, enjoy!
  • Where can I race?
  • Treadmill, road, track, at the gym, on a bike, or even in the pool!
  • When do I have to complete the race?
  • Make sure to complete the race by October 2nd to be considered for Individual Bibs or Medals and/or Group Prizes
  • I can no longer complete the race – can I transfer my registration to someone else?
  • Although you can have friends and family help you, we are not able to transfer registration or virtual bibs
  • Can my medal be shipped internationally?
  • We can ship medals internationally for an additional $15
  • Is my registration fee tax deductible?
  • Your registration fees are not tax deductible. However, any additional funds you raise, as an individual or a group, are tax deductible as Collective Liberty is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization!


Policies: By registering for this event, you agree to the following:

I know that I am running in an event that is organized as a virtual activity where I run on my own, at a date and time of my choosing, in a location and running route of my choosing, which will not have any support or security measures in place by Collective Liberty is a potentially hazardous activity, which could result in injury or death. I acknowledge that I am participating in the activity outlined by this virtual event by my own free will and at my own personal risk. I will not participate in a virtual event unless I am medically able and properly trained, and by the completion of my registration I certify that I am medically able to perform this event, and am in good health, and I am properly trained. I further agree to abide by the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations for the prevention of the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and other communicable diseases, and I attest to having read the CDC’s guidance at: I attest that if my community has a shelter in place order, that I will only participate in the virtual event by using a personal treadmill or some other method that complies with local laws and regulations, and I will not run outside in the community during the duration of a shelter in place order. I agree to follow all pedestrian safety ordinances including running on a sidewalk where available and not in the road.  I agree to follow the rules of the road if no sidewalk or multi-use trail is available, and I will run against oncoming traffic and not with traffic.

I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to any aspect of my participation in this virtual event, including the right of any official to deny or suspend my participation for any reason whatsoever.  I attest that I have read the rules of the virtual race scheduled for Collective Liberty including the terms in this waiver, the timeline of the virtual event, and agree to abide by them.  I assume all risks to me associated with running on my own as part of this virtual activity, including but not limited to: falls, contact with other pedestrians, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, traffic and the conditions of the road or trail, all such risks being known or unknown and appreciated by me when out running on my own without any type of support from local officials or event organizers.

Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release Collective Liberty from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this virtual event, and waive my ability to bring any legal action against the entities outlined in this waiver as I am voluntarily electing to run on my own as part of this virtual event.  I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use my photographs which I may share online as part of the event, personal data provided during registration and post-event reporting, video or audio recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose.  I understand that this event does not provide for refunds in the event of a cancellation, and by signing this waiver, I consent that I am not entitled to a refund if the event is cancelled before or during the event.

By registering for this race I consent to the terms outlined in this liability waiver.