
“This approach ensures that every future operation represents another step away from repetitious low-level arrests that typically only penalize potential victims, towards a future where traffickers are held accountable and our communities become inhospitable to them.” –Rochelle Keyhan, Former Director of Disruption Strategies
Zach Newman, Aurora Colorado Channel 9 News

Our CEO Rochelle Keyhan’s work is still creating systems change across the nation, including law enforcement and policy makers enacting solutions outlined in the seminal report on massage parlor trafficking of which she was the lead autor. She and her team at Polaris were inspired by the success their field work achieved, and created Collective Liberty to expand on this model our CEO created, to end trafficking more broadly across the nation.

Rochelle Keyhan (the former Director of Disruption Strategies referenced below)’s 2019 work and direct guidance through Collective Liberty this year has helped with the proposal of 7 different laws this year like this one in Aurora, CO.

Does your City or State have a massage parlor law? If not – message us so we can help them pass one today!

9NEWS (KUSA) To learn more about the efforts in Colorado and the ways our model of systems change is self sustaining, read and watch the piece here.

Our work to end trafficking through resources to support law enforcement, legislators, civil enforcement agencies, and service providers involves creating evergreen tools like this IMB report, to equip and power action across our nation’s thousands of agencies.

“Not only will this shift allow law enforcement to take down entire trafficking networks, but it will inherently limit the proprietorial reliance on survivors’ trauma as the backbone of their cases,” the report said.

Vaughn said he hopes more people read the report.

“Maybe it’ll help people understand that the illicit massage businesses aren’t a joke,” he said. “There are people who are basically slaves to these places and are suffering.”Trevor Vaughn, the manager of Aurora’s Tax and Licensing department
Zach Newman, Aurora Colorado Channel 9 News