1,000+ trafficking venues closed, 164 traffickers arrested, 350+ victims identified and supported


Collective Liberty is excited to release its 2021 Annual Impact Report. This year alone, our work directly supported the arrest and prosecution of 73 human traffickers and 359 commercial sex buyers, while identifying 162 victims and connecting them to support services. The report provides an overview of the organization’s key activities and accomplishments over the past year of fighting human trafficking and a glimpse into the exciting work that lies ahead.

This year, Collective Liberty has successfully trained 1,587 front-line professionals, including police officers, code enforcement officers, social service workers, and prosecutors, to more effectively identify and respond to human trafficking cases. This represents a significant increase from the previous year’s training program which reached 984 professionals. Since Collective Liberty’s founding, our team and faculty have trained over 9,000 professionals working in 46 states and federal agents operating coast to coast.

In 2021, Collective Liberty was recognized as a leader in the anti-trafficking space, receiving a Texas Governor’s Grant and attending the Department of Justice Office of Victims of Crime Human Trafficking Leadership Academy. The Police Executive Research Forum featured our work in How Local Police Can Combat the Global Problem of Human Trafficking in a case study, “Collective Liberty: Using Technology and Training to Disrupt Human Trafficking”.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovTechStart and the CivStart GovTech Cohort, both geared to drive innovation in government systems, selected Collective Liberty as members based on the development of Collective Liberty’s Human Trafficking Fusion Center. Finally, Collective Liberty’s CEO Rochelle Keyhan was named a Billions Institute Fellow and a Roddenberry Fellow, which supports social entrepreneurs working to solve some of the world’s most pressing global problems. Journalists also sought out Collective Liberty as an expert on human trafficking. We worked to educate the public and counter misinformation through regular appearances on news media, reaching an estimated 75,000 million viewers.

We are proud of what we have been able to achieve in 2021 and are excited to share our 2022 impact with you all in a few months! We would like to thank our supporters for their ongoing dedication and generosity. We look forward to continuing our important work in the years to come.

To read the full report, visit: https://htfusion.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2021-Annual-Impact-Report-8.5-x-11-in-2.pdf